Wednesday, March 01, 1995

Sensurreal - Never To Tell A Soul (Beam Me Up!)

Looking like a gothic album but sounding more like the middle-aged European electronic new age music of the mid 1980s, but with a post-house twist. Sensurreal offer free-floating atmospherics that are more headphone-listening than head-trip. The album keeps going despite some false starts, tracks like 'Scyra Officinalis' sound good but then quickly fizzle out. If the CD sounds a bit ambient, then the LP won't. It's got almost a completely different track listing as the band wanted Never To Tell A Soul to be both accessible to the dance floor and the chill-out room. And it works, the vinyl has a much harder sound than the CD with some different rhythms and textures. A concept!

This review also published in: On magazine

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